Introduction is an online store for online distance sales of gift items. This store is managed by Fani Papalouka, who maintains a physical shop based in Thessaloniki, at 111 Mitropoleos Street, with VAT number 073608886 tel.+30.2310 267 955, with e-mail:, at hereinafter referred to as the “ADMINISTRATOR”, who is responsible for the operation of the website and any advice provided through it.

The following terms and conditions will apply to the use of this online store, and the products are intended for transport to the Greek market.

EACH USER who enters and makes use of this website and the services of this online store is considered to automatically consent and unconditionally accept the following terms set forth here, without any exception, whether he registers as a user or as a visitor, while at the same time consenting to the keeping of a personal file data according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as specified below. If a user does not agree with these terms, then he must refrain from using the online store and from any transaction with it.

The ADMINISTRATOR reserves the right to freely modify or revise the terms and conditions of transactions from the online store, whenever he deems it necessary, and undertakes the obligation to inform consumers of any change, through the page of this online store.

Information & Products Provided

The ADMINISTRATOR is committed to the accuracy, truth and completeness of the information listed in the online store, both regarding his identity and the transactions provided through the online store. The administrator, in the context of good faith, is not responsible and is not bound for errors due to a detour during the registration of the electronic data in the store.

Limitation of Liability

The ADMINISTRATOR is under no circumstances liable for shortages in the availability of products for any reason (e.g. force majeure, weather events, fire, supplier strikes, illegal behavior of third parties, generally reasons that cannot be attributed to the ADMINISTRATOR’s fault, etc. .).

The ADMINISTRATOR is under no circumstances responsible for any temporary or permanent inability to provide its services and for delays in the acceptance and execution of orders and delivery of the ordered products for any reason (e.g. force majeure, extreme weather events, natural disasters, emergency situations, strikes, fire, malfunctions of the cooperating courier companies, accidental deterioration or destruction of the products before delivery to the user and after they are given for shipment, illegal interventions of the counterparty or a third party, malfunction of the Internet Payment Processing provider (Bank) or the provider hosting services (Host Provider) or the Internet service provider (ISP) or the access provider (Access Provider) or the user’s terminal equipment, incorrect provision of information by the user, in general for any incident that prevents the smooth fulfillment of contractual obligations, etc. ).

 The ADMINISTRATOR is under no circumstances liable for any legal claims (civil and/or criminal), nor for any damage (positive, special, or consequential which indicatively and not restrictively, disjunctively and/or cumulatively consists in loss of profits, data , lost profits, monetary satisfaction, etc.), which arises for users/visitors of this website, or for third parties, for a reason related to the operation or non-operation and/or the use of the website and/or failure to provide services and/or information available through it and/or from any unauthorized interference by third parties with products and/or services and/or information available through it. Also, the ADMINISTRATOR bears absolutely no responsibility for damage or damage, or infection by electronic viruses and/or other malicious programs, on the computer or other electronic means used by a user/visitor to access this website, nor is he responsible for damage related to impossibility of performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, operation or broadcast delay or system line drop, etc.

User responsibility

The consumer contracts concluded through this website are included after the amendment of no. 4 of Law 2251/1994 in the concept of distance contracts and therefore the protective regulations for consumers – recipients are also applied to them.

The users of the store declare that they have full legal capacity according to the applicable Civil Code, are not in voluntary or involuntary (full or partial) judicial support, and validly contract with the store as consumers.

After completing the order, the user can modify his electronic order, correct errors, indicate his will as it was reflected in the order. In order to avoid sending an order that does not represent the true will of the recipient, the user should immediately, and within 12 hours of the order, contact the administrator at the details given above.

By sending the order to the ADMINISTRATOR, and if the product is immediately available, it will be shipped within the next three (3) working days, while the delivery time varies depending on the user details and the transport company. If one of the products is unavailable, the administrator contacts the user in order to modify the order by phone or email.

Users agree and undertake not to use this online store and its trademark or to retransmit the content in an illegal way or in any way that may cause illegal insult and damage to the ADMINISTRATOR or any third party or violates confidentiality or the privacy of any person’s information.

Users are also obliged not to provide false information about themselves, not to impersonate any other person, not to send spam or group mail, nor multiple copies of messages, as well as not to collect information about other users/visitors of the website without their consent, including financial data and e-mail addresses., to use this website under the conditions dictated by the “Code of Conduct for Internet Users (Netiquette)”, and the use of practices contrary to this code is expressly prohibited.

The non-compliance of any user/visitor of this website with the applicable law and/or these Terms, entitles the ADMINISTRATOR to take the necessary measures and take any necessary action to deal with the behavior in question. Thus, in such cases, the ADMINISTRATOR is entitled, for example, to prohibit access to services provided through this website or to delete, edit or move messages, respecting the principle of proportionality. Any costs or compensation that the ADMINISTRATOR may be asked to pay due to a violation by a user/visitor of his obligations arising from these Terms, shall be borne by the said user/visitor, who is obliged to pay them to the ADMINISTRATOR immediately and without being required to appeal the latter in the courts.

Intellectual Property Rights

All the content of the online store, including distinctive titles, marks, images, graphics, photos, designs, texts, etc. are the copyright of the ADMINISTRATOR and are protected according to the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions.

Any copying, transfer or creation of a derivative work based on this content or misleading the public about the real provider of the online store is prohibited. Reproducing, republishing, uploading, announcing, disseminating or transmitting or any other use of the content in any way or medium for commercial or other purposes is permitted only with the prior written consent of the ADMINISTRATOR or any other copyright holder. The names, images, logos and distinctive features representing the online store with the trademark or third parties and their products or services, are exclusive trademarks of the ADMINISTRATOR or third parties protected by the relevant trademark laws. Their appearance on the website should in no way be understood as a transfer or assignment of a license or right to use them.

Security and Personal Data


The management and protection of the personal data of the users/visitors of this website by the ADMINISTRATOR are governed by the relevant Greek and European legislation and the present Terms.

Every visitor can browse this online store without giving any personal information. Personal data will only be needed when you become a member and/or proceed to order products.

The personal data declared by users in the services of this website are intended exclusively for ensuring the operation of the respective service and may not be used by third parties without complying with the applicable laws. Personal data of users requested by the ADMINISTRATOR is limited to information necessary for the operation of its online store and the provision of the services offered through it, with the aim of optimally serving them, in accordance with the provisions of Law 2472/1997 on data protection of a personal nature, as well as of Law 3471/2006 regarding data protection in the context of electronic commerce, as they apply each time. The data kept in the file may be communicated to the competent judicial, police and other administrative authorities upon their legal request and in accordance with the applicable legislative provisions.

The ADMINISTRATOR may collect, store and process personal data of the users/visitors of this website, only if the above data is provided by the interested parties voluntarily, for the following purposes: a) to provide services chosen by the users/ visitors through this website (e.g. purchase of products, information about new products, participation in competitions, etc.), b) for better service to users/visitors, c) to collect information from users/visitors (feedback) regarding offered products and services and their improvement based on the information collected, d) to inform users/visitors about new products, for offers, as well as for any contests, for advertising and remote promotion of products , for market research and communication with users/visitors after their consent, e) to improve awareness.

Personal data provided by users/visitors of this website may be collected by the ADMINISTRATOR in a file, stored and subject to processing by him or persons collaborating with him (e.g. transport company) for the above purposes. The ADMINISTRATOR will be the owner and controller of the personal data collected in the above manner and of the file created for the above purposes. The recipient of the personal data provided by the users/visitors of this website is only the ADMINISTRATOR who may pass it on to companies connected to him, for the purposes of operational and computerized service of its transactional relations with said users/visitors, such as and for statistical and historical reasons.

The ADMINISTRATOR complies with all his obligations imposed by law. The subject of the personal data has the right to request at any time the interruption of sending informational and advertising-promotional material by the ADMINISTRATOR. In order to exercise the right of objection granted by Law 2472/1997, the holder of the personal data must request specific action in writing, such as the correction of the personal data concerning him, their temporary non-use, their binding, the non-transmission them, or their deletion.

If the user/visitor voluntarily discloses his personal or sensitive data through this website directly to third parties, it is up to him to investigate the terms of protection of such data from said third parties. The user accepts that the ADMINISTRATOR has absolutely no responsibility for such disclosures and for the subsequent possible use of said data by other persons. Similarly, the ADMINISTRATOR bears absolutely no responsibility for any disclosure by users or visitors of this website of personal and/or sensitive data of third parties through the website without the prior consent of the data subject.

Each user guarantees the accuracy and authenticity of the personal data concerning him and that he submits, as well as his right to submit such data.

ADMINISTRATOR opposes the collection of personal data of minors and its policy is not to collect or process data of minors.


THE ADMINISTRATOR recognizes the importance of the security of Personal Data, as well as electronic transactions, and has taken all the necessary measures, with modern and advanced methods, to ensure the maximum possible security.

To ensure the privacy of the data transfer, we use modern and advanced methods, using a certified system. The system has been certified by a company that specializes in transaction security issues. All information related to users’ personal information is kept confidential.

Law and Jurisdiction

This specific user agreement is governed by the provisions of Greek Law, the directives and Regulations of European Law and the relevant International provisions.

If any provision is deemed to be contrary to the law and therefore invalid or voidable, it automatically ceases to be valid, without in any way affecting the validity of the other terms. No modification of the terms of this contract shall be considered and shall not form a part hereof unless expressed in writing and incorporated herein. Competent courts for any disputes arising from this contract are the Courts of the city of Giannitsa.

Products and Returns

Before returning the product you should contact the administrator at the contact details listed here for instructions on how to return the product. The administrator may not accept the return of products which are defined by law or/in this store are declared as non-returnable.


The customer is informed about the availability of the products through similar verbal or other indications. The online store includes products in stock and products with a color or word mark (e.g. “out of stock”). Also, the various product offers that appear in the online store are always valid while stocks last. The shipping charge for the products is shown individually on each order, before its completion. The ADMINISTRATOR’s responsibility for the safe shipment of his products is limited to the moment of their delivery to the courier company.

Product Returns Charged by the Administrator

Products can be returned at the charge of the ADMINISTRATOR if: a) the order has been executed incorrectly by type and/or quantity, b) the products that have been sent were defective before they were sent.

In these cases, the customer must either not accept the receipt of the product in the first place, or request its return within five (5) working days, after consultation with the ADMINISTRATOR. Products must be returned in the condition received by the customer. In all cases, the return of the product to be replaced must be accompanied by a copy of the document that accompanied the product (e.g. DAT, Retail Address, etc.) and its complete packaging. Returns are accepted after consultation and only if the products are unused and in the condition they were received.

In the event of a return of the products, and provided that the products have been previously received and checked by the ADMINISTRATOR, the refund to the customer will be made by canceling the charge to the credit or debit card for the amount corresponding to the product to be returned, which will be done by the ADMINISTRATOR. In the case of using the product or tampering with their original packaging, returning a damaged or incomplete product due to the customer’s fault, the return is not accepted. In the event that the return is not made within a period of (5) five calendar days from the day of receipt for the above reasons or some of the return conditions are not met, the ADMINISTRATOR has the right not to accept the products back and not to proceed in their place.

Product Returns at Customer Charge

Products can be returned at the customer’s expense in cases where the customer, for any reason other than the above, has changed their mind and/or no longer wishes to purchase the product, as long as the withdrawal period mentioned below has not expired by sending them. In this case, only the amount of money corresponding to the value of the products is returned and the shipping costs are borne exclusively by the customer. In both of the above-mentioned cases, the product must be in perfect condition together with a copy of the original document that accompanied the product (e.g. VAT number, Retail Address etc.) and its complete package.

In the event that the products are returned damaged or incomplete, the online store has the right to request compensation from the customer, the amount of which will be determined by the condition of the products and to proceed unilaterally and without others to a total or partial offset of this claim against the customer.

In the event of a return of the products, and provided that the products have been previously received and checked by the ADMINISTRATOR, the refund to the customer will be made by canceling the charge to the credit or debit card for the amount corresponding to the product to be returned, which will be done by the ADMINISTRATOR.

The administrator may not accept the return of products which are declared in the store as non-returnable or perishable products that were transported under the responsibility of the Administrator to the recipient in the necessary packaging and temperature and for which the administrator cannot check and ensure their maintenance conditions for the period of time after delivery.


The buyer has the right to withdraw without reason within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of receipt of the products (provided that the conditions of par. b and c of no. 4 of par. 10 of Law 2251/1994 have been met) without the obligation to invoke a specific reason, with the simultaneous return of the goods in their original condition and without having altered or opened the packaging, without burdening the consumer with any expenses other than the return costs, while the supplier must return the amount collected in in 30 calendar days (No. 4 par. 10 of Law 2251/1994). The right can be exercised from the day of receipt of the product or from the day of conclusion of the contract. 

The return of the item is accepted, only if the buyer has first paid any amount incurred by the company for sending the item to him and the cost of returning the item. The administrator may refuse to return perishable products that were transported to the recipient under the Administrator’s responsibility in the necessary packaging and temperature and for which the administrator cannot control and ensure their maintenance conditions for the time period after delivery.